Monday, September 17, 2007

# 7 Blog about technology

“Library 2.0…it’s not primarily about machines and software: it’s about using the best tools and ideas to provide the best possible service to our users”

[A presentation by Marylaine Block
for the British Colombia Library Association , April 19, 2007

The Learning 2.0 program is all about teaching you how to use web 2.o tools, and some of these tools you may may find useful to help deliver services in the library.

For Exercise #7, simply blog about anything technology related.
Yes, it can be anything that relates to technology!
You just need to share a few thoughts.

Perhaps you might like to talk about 'Creating Content' , or a technology you now rely on to perform everyday tasks.
Try for at least 100-150 words.

We have all come along way using technology in a very short time. Can you remember learning to use a computer and a mouse (!!!), and having to send an email instead of faxing a memo?
Imagine now having to cope without these technologies

1 comment:

friendly said...

I have started this training about Web 2.0 and at first I did not understand the purpose of how it would be applied to our job in the future. However, this training is teaching me a lot about how to keep up with the fast pace of technology through computers and especially the internet. I am amazed by the type of programs that exist which keep people connected. One of these programs is called Flicker which is a program that allows people to upload photos for anyone to use in the world. Only a few years ago, we could only take photos with an older camera and get the pictures developed manually. Now through technology, we only have to click a few buttons and it is done.